No Mo’ Termites!

Termite Inspections in Tulsa

Termites are one of the most damaging and destructive pests that can infest a home or commercial space. Because they feed on wood and other organic materials, termites can cause extensive damage to your property.  A termite inspection is the best way to detect and identify any potential infestation before it has a chance to do serious harm. At Tulsa Mosquito Control, our termite experts are trained to inspect your property for any signs of termite activity. 


We use the latest technology, including thermal imagery and radar detection devices, to detect even the slightest evidence that may indicate a possible termite infestation.


Once identified, we can then determine how best to manage or eliminate it through various treatment options designed specifically for each situation.  From traditional methods such as liquid or baiting systems to advanced forms of termite control, we have the expertise and experience necessary to get rid of your infestation quickly and safely. If you suspect that your home may be at risk for a termite invasion, don’t hesitate to contact us. Early detection is the key to preventing serious and costly damage.

Termite Inspection
termite inspection

When to Schedule a Termite Inspection in Tulsa

The best way to determine if you’re at risk for a termite infestation is to schedule an inspection with Tulsa Mosquito Control. We provide comprehensive, thorough inspections of both residential and commercial properties in the Tulsa area. Outside of suspected termite infestations, there are several other times that we recommend scheduling a termite inspection. Annual inspections are essential for homeowners, as well as those purchasing a new home or building.We also recommend scheduling an inspection if you’ve recently had construction done on your property, installed new landscaping, or experienced a change in moisture levels. All of these can increase the risk of developing a termite infestation. No matter the reason, Tulsa Mosquito Control is here to help you assess your risk and determine the best course of action

Tulsa Termite Control

At Tulsa Mosquito Control, we are proud to offer top-of-the-line termite control using the Sentricon® System. As Sentricon® Specialists, our team is specially trained to use this advanced and effective baiting system designed to eliminate entire colonies of termites. Unlike other, more traditional, termite control measures, Sentricon® is a minimally-invasive in-ground system that eliminates the entire colony rather than just a small portion. The baiting stations are installed around your home’s foundation and monitored by our licensed exterminators. As soon as we detect any signs of termites, bait is immediately released to eliminate the problem right away. We offer long-term protection plans to keep your home safe from termites year-round. Contact us today to learn more about our termite control options and how we can help protect your property.